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Haiti in Our Hearts

Today marks the 9th consecutive day of nation-wide shut down and protests in Haiti - an unprecedented time frame.

What began as protests against corruption and demand for government accountability, has also grown to roadblocks of major routes ... and is leading to a scarcity of resources: gas, food, and water.

The situation is already dire for many. And will become dire for many more as the days drag on.

As always, it is the most vulnerable of society that continue to suffer and bear the burden.

We have been in regular contact with our Haitian partners and know that our staff, students, and families are currently safe. Our school has been closed this week, and will remain so until the situation improves.

If you are the praying type, we ask that you keep Haiti in your prayers:

1. for our friends, teachers, students, and their families in Haiti;

2. for the country to find resolution and peace;

3. for leaders to make wise decisions.

We remain firmly convicted in our vision of Haiti: to make access to education free, and to ensure that children can pursue opportunities for higher learning.

Children are the Hope for Haiti.

We thank you for your continued support and encouragement of our efforts.

Louise Elliott, HIMH Chair

HIMH Directors, Debbie, Heidi, Dianna, Karen & Shelley



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