Last day at the school, and last day in Haiti.
We’ve accomplished so much this week … art card project … photos of all our students, teachers, administrative and support staff … class photos and an entire school photo! … updates for our student sponsors … leadership discussion with our school directors about upcoming needs and projects … in addition to simply connecting with all our Haitian staff, encouraging them, letting them know others care and want to help them reach their goals and vision for the children and youth in their community.
And … there was also time to shop to add items to our Haitian Marketplace! Our luggage is at full weight capacity … we just need to get it home - lol!
Whenever I return to Haiti, there seems to always be a new place for me to learn about and explore. Last night, we travelled about 30 min up the local mountain to a community health clinic and hospital to deliver a piece of medical equipment for another Canadian NGO located near us in Kelowna BC. As we arrived after hours, we were treated to a tour of the facilities and were able to ask questions and get a sense of how health care is delivered in such remote areas. It’s the only hospital/clinic that will provide services within a 2 hour drive, at a sliding scale cost. The nearest hospital is fee for service, which most people cannot afford.
I am so grateful for these opportunities as they provide more information and insight into the daily lives of the people we serve.
As we were returning, the sun was setting and it was pitch dark as we finally made our way down the mountain and through the neighborhoods. Only the odd candle, solar light, or even more rare, electric light bulb glowed.
Despite such hardships, the people of Haiti not only survive, but thrive, against all odds that say they shouldn’t.
When you join with HIMH - by making a gift, becoming a student sponsor, attending an event, helping us spread the word - you, too are ensuring our students will be successful - and become the next generation of leaders in Haiti. Thank You!!