Developing the next generation of leaders in Haiti
​Thank you for choosing to make a gift to Haiti in My Heart!
Our school provides an education for 300 Students, pre-school to Grade 9. and employs 40 Haitian staff. You can make your gift undesignated, or designate your gift to a specific program area.
Launch A Learner: provide the gift of education. A $50 monthly recurring gift (or $600 annually) educates a student for an entire school year.
Meals for Minds: fight hunger and end malnutrition. A $15 monthly recurring gift (or $200 annually) provides a daily lunch for a student for the entire school year.
WaSH: provide a safe and hygenic school for our staff and students. A monthly recurring gift of $25 provides funds for soap, water filters, and propane gas to operate the generator that pumps the water from our well.
Create Employment: Provide a job! A monthly recurring gift of $65 provides employment opportunities at our school, creating a vibrant, sustainable economy.
Build Capacity: A monthly recurring gift of $25 provides a entire classroom's set of books and resources.
Use the form to make a secure donation on-line with your credit or debit card, send an e-transfer to info@haitiinmyheart.ca or mail your gift to:
​Haiti in My Heart
434 Glenwood Avenue
Kelowna BC V1Y 5M1