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HIMH Monthly Donor

“Haitian people are a beautiful people and they hold a place in my heart!”
Leanne - Use this.jpg

Leanne travelled to Haiti in 2015 to distribute shoes with Soles 4 Souls, a U.S. based charity.   During her time in Haiti, she visited schools, orphanages, and other grass roots Haitian community initiatives.   This experience confirmed for her the importance of foreign support for children and families in Haiti.   She saw the dedication and desire of the Haitian people to lift themselves out of poverty, despite the real challenges they face on a daily basis.


Leanne is a HIMH monthly donor, often encouraging others to support and make a gift to our work.  She is proud to be part of a community of people who are making a difference in the lives of Haitian children and their families.   She says, “I never feel like I am doing enough, but I give what I can and pray that my contribution can help”.   Leanne has helped HIMH not only educate and feed our students, but has also contributed in times of need to provide food staples to our students’ and teachers’ families and build our recent 10-tap handwashing station.


As a certified Educational Assistant, Leanne knows children cannot learn if their brains and bodies are not being fueled with good nutritious meals.  She is delighted she can be a part of the HIMH community, changing the lives of students and staff every day.   As for traveling to Haiti, she encourages, “if you ever get a chance to travel to Haiti, take the opportunity.   You will come back changed.”

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